Monday, November 15, 2010

You Betta DON'T!

Picture it. A hot (read: humid) summer’s day in a little-known town called New York City. A young boy named David Tousley sits in a balmy, crowded subway car thinking about his dreams and trying not to sweat through his cotton Gap button-up. (Too soon?) In front of him, kitty corner, sit a man and a woman who look like they just want to tell the day where it can blow them. David can’t help but stare. He knows something’s a’brewing between these obvious strangers, but it’s not interesting until the slight rumbling from the man’s stomach area catches the woman’s attention. David notices the man shift his position, lifting from the left hip so that the buttock closest to the woman catches some air between skin and seat. The woman quickly snaps her newspaper into a fold deep enough to expose her face behind it. “You betta DON’T,” she warns, knowing she’s about to get a rull, rull unpleasant whiff of leftover-gas-from-who-knows-what in her face. “I sawwwww you tilt.” Needless to say, the man refrained from farting on the woman and set his raised buttock back on that hot piece of plastic while David silently thanked his lucky you betta don't stars as he enjoyed the less-nasty-than-what-coulda-been smell of the hot subway for the rest of his ride. And thus, the phrase was born into and passed around our diverse friendship tribe:

Susan Cho I heard you've turned into a total dc asshole. When I get there, you betta don't.

April 13 at 8:50pm · · · See Friendship

As you can imagine, the full statement (Kim) of, ‘you betta don’t…I saw you tilt,’ can be quite a mouthful, so feel free to break it up. ‘You betta don’t…’ and the notion of tilting can be incorporated into daily conversation in quite a number of ways, including, but not limited to:

to me, Mercedes, Russ, Danny, David, susancho78, AmandaHuffman, Susan
show details Sep 22
I take Tammy VERY seriously. He better don't.

Danny Krueger

to Russ, David, Susan, ladymissmerced., amandah80, Debra, me, Liz
show details Jul 15
Is that celery? That looks like celery. You better don't eat that celery.
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Susan Cho

to me, Amanda, Danny, Mercedes
show details May 17

Wait, Erin, did you watch the clip of you and my boyfriend Ryan getting all hugged up with each other?
You better don't.

Danny Krueger

to yonex96, sarabuskirk, me, susancho78, ladymissmerced., amandah80, marksitko, amandasitko
show details 11/20/09
This, also, is classic. You better don't try this at our house tomorrow night:
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to me, Danny, Mercedes, Amanda
show details Jun 21

You guys, some people are in a "you betta don't" mood right now, and it will behoove all those assholes to steer fucking clear.

Mercedes Taylor

to Liz, Russ, Susan, me, David, Danny, Amanda, Debra
show details

The flyaway I missed the 5am flyaway because he left TOO SOON even though he SAW me tilt and buy a ticket.

And, to bring it back to the city where it all started:

Russ Sharkey

to David, Danny, me, Debra, Amanda, susancho78, Mercedes
show details Jul 30
Umkay, so I just watched Let the River Run for the 8th time in a row. Well, I didn't watch the whole thing the first several times, but now I'm in an "I need to watch Working Girl tonight" mood so I watched the whole thing and I have to tell you that the move that Carly Simon does at 2:56 is super amazing. I just burst out a cackle while we have a client in a meeting within earshot of my desk. Who puts three quarter height walls on a fucking conference room anyway? Seriously, watch 2:56.

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Russ Sharkey

to Amanda, David, Danny, me, Debra, susancho78, Mercedes
show details Jul 30
I can NAAAAHHHHHHT stop watching the stupid dance move. I need to learn it.
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Russ is not available to chat

David Tousley

to Amanda, Russ, Danny, me, Debra, susancho78, Mercedes
show details Jul 30
I saw Russ tilt!
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So there you have it. And let this be a lesson, not only in learning a new phrase, but in manners. You really betta don’t do that on a crowded hot subway, not even if farting is always funny. Because what did New York ever do to you, except make you feel brand new?

You betta don't...I saw you tilt!

A warning, in the purest sense. The calm before the storm. A commanding way of pleading with someone not to fart in your face, especially on a hot ass crowded subway. Can be shortened to fit your needs.

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