Monday, November 8, 2010

The Extended Family Dictionary: An Introduction

Well Hi, Friends.
People usually ask me, ‘um…what?’ (Ironically, I tend to ask the same question, but for different reasons). The reason I’m asked is because, after years of being a member of a diverse friendship tribe, my own personal crew has developed our own personal language. A language I’ve grown so accustomed to, it often comes out in everyday conversation with nearly everyone I encounter. I just can’t help it. The words feel so damn natural coming out of my mouth, it’s gotten to a point where I’m confused when someone doesn’t understand what I mean when I say things like, I can’t wait to go serial killing tonight!
So. I’ve created the Extended Family Dictionary to introduce this very important lexicon into the modern world. Each entry will focus on a word or phrase used by me & the gang on a regular basis and you’ll learn the origin and definition for said designated term. If you’ve ever had a conversation with me or one of many culprits responsible for creating this language, then you’ll have a head start— you know a that’s rullll… here and a bway bway! there when you hear one. But. By the time you’re finished reading, you will know what it means! (the same cannot be said for a double rainbow. By the way, try playing Hot Chip’s Hand Me Down Your Love in conjunction with that vidja, but buy a hat first, and get ready to hold the eff onto it).
It goes a little something like this:
Vest Life Ever
It seems only appropriate to start with our most widely-used term. Vest Life Ever has a deep, complicated origin, dating back to 2008 when a certain blonde beauty from Rock of Love named Megan tried her hand at Charm School and, upon being expelled, had the following reaction:
Being the proud producer of this little gem of an episode, I forced it upon my friends for their viewing pleasure. What an amazing way to put it, Megan, we all thought. We totally live our best lives ever. So this became a regular saying amongst our crew. Here are some examples:
KC to me
show details Apr 26
1:17 PM 
me: you guys, two party buses, one week cup?
why do we have the best life ever?
K: hahahaha i don't know
1:21 PM 
but its awesome
and can someone please tell me how we're going to pace ourselves?!!!
1:22 PM 
me: I KNOW!!!!!! especially since we know we have tuesday off?!?!?!
1:23 PM 
K: i mean amazin'!!
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LP to me, SC, DK, AH, MT, DH 
show details Apr 9
I want to get my best life ever made in D.C. you guys.
Two things: 1. I walked into a bar last night and the bartender looks at me and goes, "Another manhattan?" She was my bartender the night before. And she was right. And she knew what kind of glass I wanted it in! 2. My friend works with Leslie Waggoner and we are quoting the room to each other through his gchat. I need to go back to yahoo.
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MT to SC, me 
show details Apr 1
Hmmmm. So now we're all saying this? LIKE!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Desiree Lyons <>
Date: Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: MASTER BATTERS Tomorrow at 6:30PM!
To: MT
Sorry, Saders! I'm in the OC this week living the best life ever.
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MT to me
show details Mar 16
11:49 AM 
Mercedes: how's DC bway bweeeeee?
11:50 AM 
me: so awesome bway bway! you gotta get out hrrrrrr
11:51 AM 
Mercedes: uh, YEAH
baby, I can't wait!
me: we're gonna go see some reggae band tonight and see if we can't get anohter skateboard made
Mercedes: oh hells yes
Best Life EVER DC edition
me: YES
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SC to AH, me, DK, MT 
show details Jun 17
Yeah. I definitely had to stifle a laugh when I read about your dream about me Amanda.
You guys. Erin, that woman can fucking go get bent. I hate that you're getting all this grief at work, especially since your whole time there has been so awesome. I also hate that I am stuck here at work, and I have to actually get work done. I ESPECIALLY hate that we're all fuckign toiling when we should be together, sleeping naked, butt upwards, tanning, eating sushi, tanning and basically living thebest life ever.
That lesbieber website sure is helping to break up the day though.
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SC to AH, LP, RS, DK, me, MT, DT, DH
show details Nov 2 
And what the hull piggytail DANNY! Yeah, I'm calling your ass out. Just cause you're living your best life ever in NY does nahhht mean you can't check in with us every now and again.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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me to RS, AH, LP, DH, SC, MT, DT
show details Sep 20
oooo cleaning ladies are the BEST bottom jeans. Thanks for goin' into the Target trenches, Russ. This is going to be the BEST LIFE EVER!
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Y’see, we have a daily email chain where most of these terms originate (or at least are reinstated to our memories, for the ones invented during drunken times). This one time (no camps involved) the chain was about camping (kidding). It was about how the group of us were scheduled to head to the Russian River for a birthday party for Danny Krueger and he and I had been texting in the days leading up expressing our excitement for the weekend. Probably during one of said drunken times, my attempt at texting that I couldn’t wait to live the best life ever included the typo of a ‘v’ in place of the ‘b.’ Thus, Vest Life Ever came to be and is now used in place of the proper term:

DK to RS, DT, AH, SC, me, LP, MT, DH 
show details Sep 10
Oh hi 525 dollars and free lunch! Oh hi sunny day and I'm finished. Vest life EVER!!!
Sent from my iPhone
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LP to me, RS, MT, SC, AH, DT, DH 
show details Sep 16
True Colors is one of Danny's favorite karaoke songs. Also La Loba is the song in the amanda died video and it always makes me think of living the vest life ever with you guys.
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me to DK, RS, SC, AH, MT, LP, DH, DT
show details Sep 16
for some reason I was totally picturing bowling pins. I was like 'i don't remember anything about bowling with that hot dog threesome. oh well.' I want that bartender to keep the bar open for us again! Or better yet, open that patio bar up! Ooooo vest life ever! Actually I bet we could just bring our own booze (BOOB!) and get like one beer from the bar and just sneak refills into our cups like a certain Mr. Clifton Williams tends to do in the bathroom when he and his wife are trying to hide the fact that they've got a bun in the oven.

I'm so excited! So when are you guys coming to LA? Are you gonna spend a couple days here first before we live our vest OC Disney lives ever?
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SC to me, AH, LP, MT, RS, DK, DT
show details Sep 23
Erin, I'm sure we can find some place on clement. Either walkable or bussable..
Man. Just 2 jaggy ass more workdays and I'm gonna be living the vest life ever..
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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RS to LP, SC, AH, me, DK, MT, DT
show details Nov 6 
Does my tongue even look like that?
I'm having the vest day ever! I woke up early and got some breakfast, then went on a 50-mile bike ride to Marin and back via the Paradise Loop and cried through like half of it because I love cycling and it makes me mimotional in a vest life ever kind of way. I think if someone were going to film a dramatic version of my ride, Jim Carrey would have to play me. That's how ridiculous the crying was. As soon as I got home, I jumped on the skateboard, stretched, and showered. Now it's time for some taco action. And it's not even 2!
Where is Zoe? Someone start a new chain with Debra on it. Oh, wait. We talked about this yesterday.
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SC to AH, me, RS, LP, DH, MT, DK, DT
show details Oct 7
Amanda screams! I was going to comment on your absence. Let's just pull the fucking emergency exit door on this week and slide right into the vest life ever.
Mark Sitko is in town too, so you guys should try to hang out with that guy, cause he's nice.
I'm sad I'm going to miss laurel. I just emailed her, but that brunch sounds fun.
I just sliced open my thumb and that shit hurrrrts.
Mama is ready for this week to be overrrrrrrr.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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DT to LP, AH, RS, SC, me, DH, MT, DK
show details Oct 29 
I'm with you Russ! Time to really start taking care of your self. I want to have the vest life ever with all you jags for many years to come.
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LP to RS, SC, DK, me, MT, AH, DT 
show details Nov 3 
It's too bad we're trained to be selfish humans. Can you imagine if a diverse tribe of true friends could altruistically rent or own homes in new york and sf and la and the redwoods and hawaii and paris and london and just flounce around sharing our roofs and live the vest lifeever. Let's pool our money and rent a house in sea ranch for a day and a half.
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So. There it is. I encourage you to jump on board with the lexicon of the family dictionary and learn to live your own personal Vest Life Ever!

Vest Life Ever: 

A term to describe what you live, the way you live it, if you’re livin’ it right. Also known as Best Life Ever. Shorthand: BLE or VLE.