Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Good Times, Noodle Salad

Sometimes it takes watching a movie six times in the theater to really appreciate it. No, I’m not talking about that movie I saw six times in the theater. I’m talking about the one where this little phrase comes from, offered by actor extraordinaire Jack Nicholson:
Now, being a fan of lakes and boats and noodle salad, I found this whole idea to be thrilling and resoundingly accurate, so I started embracing the phrase as my own. But there’s some things. According to the Websters Dictionary Online, Linguistic 101 students from the University of Oregon define, ‘good times noodle salad’ in the following way:

Specialty Expressions: GOOD TIMES, NOODLE SALAD

Good Times, Noodle SaladSlangPhrase. Source: Linguistic 101 students at the University of Oregon. Definition: A reference to a really good time had with friends while eating noodle salad. Context: Used when speaking of fun times with friends or family. Social Source: Bend High School Class of 1999-2000 . Source: Compiled by The University of Oregon. (additional references)

Upon seeing this I felt a crushing desire to correct it. Sure, the phrase could be applicable to this situation, but the point is, the actual presence of noodle salad is not at all required in order to have ‘good times, noodle salad.’ That's the problem with Oregon. They take everything so literally. (God, you take these things so personally.) There’s really not much behind it, guys. It’s simple. So simple, in fact, that once I started putting it out there, it was easy to get everyone on board, whether they knew what they were referencing or not. And that makes for some good ass times, good ass noodle salad friends:

erin shea to Danny, Susan, Mercedes, Amanda
show details Mar 22

Dang you guys. I cannot wait till some people start getting visits made. Krista and I went to this amazing wine bar on Friday night and then we went back home and watched Thursday's episode of 30 Rock for the THIRD time (we watched it Thursday but couldn't concentrate while it was on because we were coordinating with that gypsy cab driver about bringing us a skateboard and then didn't really retain anything the second time) and drank beers. Then we ran out of beers, so we (plus Elliot) went up to her room to get more. Elliot fucking freaked out and started running through the halls but we managed to take him on that field trip. Next thing you know, I wake up on the couch and Krista is passed out next to me with the same passed-out face she and Lyle have in those party bus pictures and the tv is on, candles are lit and there's pistachio nutshells EVERYWHERE. it's good times noodle salad over here.

Danny Krueger to Susan, me, Mercedes, Amanda
show details Mar 22
 You guys, I'm fucking loopy today. I came across this author's name at work, and it made me laugh out loud: 

German Nudelman
German Noodle Man! Fucking dumb. Good times noodle salad!

erin shea to Danny, Susan, Mercedes, Amanda
show details Mar 22 

german times, nudelman salad!

Danny Krueger to me, Susan, Mercedes, Amanda
show details Mar 22
 Stupid! That made me laugh hard. STUPID!

I feel like I've asked this before, but where the heck does
"good times noodle salad" come from?

erin shea to Danny, Susan, Mercedes, Amanda
show details Mar 22
 omega it's so dumb. It's from As Good As It Gets, when Jack Nicholson is driving to Baltimore with Greg Kinnear and Helen Hunt (he makes her go because he's afraid Greg Kinnear is going to "pull the stiff one-eye" on him) and they're talking about how Greg Kinnear basically got kicked out of the house when he told his parents he was gay and Jack Nicholson just doesn't underSTAND!

Carol Connelly: OK, we all have these terrible stories to get over, and you-...
Melvin Udall: It's not true. Some have great stories, pretty stories that take place at lakes with boats and friends and noodle salad. Just no one in this car. But, a lot of people, that's their story. Good times, noodle salad. What makes it so hard is not that you had it bad, but that you're that pissed that so many others had it good.

That movie is good though!

Amanda Huffman to Susan, me, Danny, Mercedes                      
show details Apr 19
Whispering eye, ew sick. I can't stop laughing about ew sick. Good times noodle salad yesterday. It felt so right, even though Poseidon stole my sunglasses. I think I got a wee bit of a sunbyarn. Danny did your churro get sandy? (that was me by the way). I went pee when I got home and the toilet was full of sand. I must have had a real load in my bottoms. I think next weekend is supposed to be nice again. Lets do it again!

Susan Cho to me, Amanda, Danny, Mercedes
show details Jun 7
Wait. Google wants me to add "Effin' to my calendar too!
You guys. I had a very filling but disatisfying breakfast burrito this morning and now I just feel real full and not well. I also am rulllll tired.
Oh Erin, you were highly missed this weekend. It was some good ass times, hella good ass noodle salad.
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Mercedes to me, Danny, susancho78, AmandaHuffman
show details Jul 7
It is a cute ass shirt, cute ass noodle salad!

Sent from my iPhone
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Danny Krueger to Amanda, susancho78, Mercedes, me, Liz
show details Aug 16
Anyway. Saturday night we went to SF Underground with Wilton, because we wanted to dance. They have an event like twice a month called "Mall Madness." You guys, it was fucking GOOD TIMES food-court noodle salad. I'm telling you. They play all this super danceable nineties music, such as Backstreet Boys, Ace of Base, Take That, and then some modern stuff too, like Robyn. But like every song that comes on, you recognize, and totally groan, but then you dance your ass off. It was so fun. Dave and I were definitely dancing on stage a few times. And drinks are pretty cheap. I have to go again.

erin shea to Danny, Amanda, susancho78, Mercedes, Liz
show details Aug 16
Whooooo yeah. I'm finally dryin' out after this weekend too. Friday night just got late for no reason--Susan and Kevin came over and we had every intention to go out, but ended up going through two 12-packs and just chattin' it up--bashing Portland, telling college stories, talking about why we love arrested development...eating hash browns at 3am...before we knew it, the sun was coming up and we were like, uh...we should go to bed...it was good ass chinese chicken noodle salad.

Mercedes Taylor to Susan, David, me, Liz, Russ, Danny, Amanda, Debra
show details Nov 10 (12 days ago)
Good screams noodle salad guys.
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Peace out

Debra Hamilton to me, susancho78, David, Mercedes, Russ, Liz, Amanda, Danny
show details Aug 12
All those Asians are the same with their Asian names. Like Mike. And Chester. And Susan. Just like all those gays are the same with their gay names. Like Danny. And David. And Russ. Damn Asians. Damn gays. Now that the gays can up and marry each other, the Asians will probably want to as well.

So yeah, I was thinking Chester because he was RULL funny and a good ass times chinese chicken noodle salad.
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Amanda Huffman to Russ, David, Susan, Liz, me, Danny, Mercedes, Debra
show details Sep 27

You guys, Alright by Supergrass is a good ass song. It reminds me of good ass noodle salad times and nudie pile ons with you all. I think I have post vest weekend depression screams.
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Liz Pfeffer to Danny, me, David, Russ, susancho78, Amanda, Mercedes, Debra
show details Sep 29
I don't expect to be home from work before 8 anyway since I have to go cover this huge media event at Devil's Slide. We could have a good time chinese chickin lickin finger noodle salad in those parts
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Debra Hamilton to David, Danny, talkingtoliz, me, Amanda, susancho78, Russ, Mercedes
show details Oct 15
D, how long will you be in Austin? My little brother and his wife live there and they have a BOAT on lake whatever-the-name-of-the-lake-is. He's real laid back and likes to drink.

You could probably easily convince him to take the boat out. It's so much fun. You drink and ride on an inner tube. Then you tie the boat up to a billion other boats and drink more. Fun times inner tube noodle salad!
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Amanda Huffman to me, Debra, David, Danny, talkingtoliz, susancho78, Russ, Mercedes
show details Oct 15
Tooling around on a boat sounds like the life. I like those Hamiltons. Olivia sure is cute. Like cartoon cute!

Erin, whats with changing up the good times noodle salad lately? I thought we had something.


And we do, La Huff, we DO have something! We've got it all. The vest life ever SCREAMS! 
And just to give extra credit where it's due, no good times saying would be complete without hearing from the connoisseur of good times, Miss Jerri Blank. So, in honor of Thanksgiving and being a boozer a user and a loser, I encourage you all to have some good turkey times, mashed potato noodle salad this weekend.

Good Times, Noodle Salad:
A way of expressing an event or circumstance in which an enjoyable time will or has been had. However, ‘good’ can be replaced with any adjective to suit your needs. Try to use it in a sentence today!

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