Friday, November 19, 2010


As a wise man who one of my cats shares a first name with once said, ‘there are two types of people in this world: those who like Neil Diamond and those who don’t.’ In my version, the Neil Diamond part becomes, ‘to use annoying words and typographic characters.’ I am one of those who don’t. Which is tough, considering I work in an industry filled with production-related lingo and verbiage. While I’ll give in to a “copy that” here and a “what’s your 20?” there, I refuse to use phrases like “looping in,” or end emails with “best,” preceding my signature. I don’t know why it bothers me so, but I recall a brunch with some of the members of my diverse friendship tribe (ahem, David, work your magic there) during which we had a discussion about the various phrases we loathe. Amongst the frontrunners were “cup a’joe” and “how many Benjamins will that cost?’ along with Sara Buskirk's hatred for words containing a double O sound. (Booooooth. Spoooooon. Pooooo.) So all of us on the ‘those who don’t’ side have our various hang-ups and I respect each and every one of them.

Recently, the trend on the good ol’ Facebook has been to add an @ symbol to a person’s name when responding to a comment:

Michael Hong Damn straight. Aint that the truth.

    • Jeffrey Kroitsch Hilarious!
      November 10 at 11:48am ·
    • Jeff Hearn And the lies just keep on comin'
      November 10 at 11:50am · · 1 person
    • Erin Shea is this your fake ID when you're trying to get into the movies as an under 10?
      November 10 at 12:00pm · · 1 person
    • Susan Cho You can go join the Hung Jury, on Mock Trial, with J. Reinhold.
      November 10 at 12:17pm ·
    • Michael Hong ‎@erin. This is my ID for the well-endowed manhattan chapter of ny. or WEMCON. Its like the skulls only more exclusive and 10 times more douchy. If u show ur ID at any Subway u get a free footlong.
      November 10 at 2:02pm · · 1 person

What’s the point? I understand it when you’re tagging someone in a post (and note, the @ symbol just serves to link and does nahhhhht end up appearing in the post), but to just add this stupid @ to let the person whose name you also write know that this is your response to his or her specific comment, is so dumb. It’s really dumb. For real. (No offense, Mike Hung. I guess you just really like Neil Diamond.) One day I finally expressed my annoyance with this in the daily email chain:

erin shea

to David, Amanda, Liz, Russ, Danny, to, MercedesTaylor, Debra
show details Sep 17
Um. you guys know what I hate? it's along the lines of 'copy that' and 'looping ____ in so we'll be on the same page' and 'as per our conversation.' I hate when people do @David or @Erin in comment replies on fb. I especially hate things like @Erin: check your inbox. ANNOYING DUMB LEXICON SCREAMS!
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Thankfully my amazing friends always have my back and were right there ready to come up with an alternative for this obnoxious crap, based on our smart friend David Tousley explaining that the @ symbol is, in some countries, referred to as a piggytail (but not in Italy, where it's called 'snail' and not in Germany where's it's called 'spider monkey.' And especially not in Russia, where it's called 'doggie'). Thus, an alternative was born and incorporated into our vocabulary, with, of course, some variations along the way:

David Tousley

to Liz, Russ, Amanda, me, susancho78, Mercedes, Danny, Debra
show details Sep 30
I do declare, piggytail Liz.. your sweet words could charm the morning dew right off the honeysuckle...
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to Liz, me, David, Amanda, Russ, Mercedes, Danny, Debra
show details Sep 30
Ruh roh. Piggytail Luss. Rooks rike you have a seclet admirer. (I'm talking chinesey)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Mercedes Taylor

to me, susancho78, Russ, Amanda, David, Liz, Danny, Debra
show details Sep 18
He dropped a piggytail.
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Debra Hamilton

to David, Amanda, Russ, Liz, susancho78, me, Danny, Mercedes
show details Sep 23
Piggytail Liz: I have a second laptop, but it's all the way over know...over THERE...feet away from me in our huge apartment.

David, you better get your story-telling pants on for Saturday b/c I wanna hear it.
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David Tousley

to susancho78, me, Liz, Russ, Debra, Danny, Amanda, Mercedes
show details Oct 21
Piggytail Obama: Why is America so retarded when it comes to health care?

Liz Pfeffer

to Amanda, David, Russ, Mercedes, Danny, me, susancho78, Debra
show details Sep 30
Piggytail Amanda: I bought ones for luna park and and blue plate. I'm such a sucker.
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Russ Sharkey

to susancho78, Liz, Amanda, me, David, Debra, Mercedes, Danny
show details Oct 18
Piggytail nothing: I've been reading about the effects of alcohol on the digestive tract. Um, the shit I'm reading (pardon the pun) is giving me reason to believe that alcohol is partially responsible for the digestion issues I have

David Tousley

to Susan, Amanda, Danny, Mercedes, me, Russ, Liz
show details Nov 17 (2 days ago)
You guys, at 6:20... what the hull is Dorothy using? It's like some kind of typewriter/laptop from the 80's. I'm cornfused. Also, piggytailSusan, can you please wear her outfit to work tomorrow and take lotsa pictures?
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Russ Sharkey

to susancho78, Debra, me, Danny, Liz, David, Mercedes, Amanda
show details 8:11 PM (19 hours ago)
Piggyback Susan, that just cracked me up.

Debra Hamilton

to Russ, susancho78, me, Danny, Liz, David, Mercedes, Amanda
show details 8:29 PM (19 hours ago)
Wait. When did piggytail become piggyback?

piggybutt David, ZPH sleeps with her cute little alphabet blanket every night. It's so warm and soft! Will you ask your grandma to make a me-sized one? Instead of the alphabet, she could sew extended family phrases on it.
And while the use of it is still completely pointless considering all that’s really required in these types of communications is using the person’s name
and it takes longer to type than the stupid @ symbol, it’s way more fun and a whole lot cooler. So. Piggytail all y’all: get on board.

A way to get someone’s attention even though you’re already referring to them by name. Use in place of @ on the Facebook. Not to be confused with the hairstyle. Pigtails and Piggytails are two very different things.

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