Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Boning Off Set for the Baby

To know one Susan Cho is to know the future wife of Ryan Gosling. Sorry ladies, but she won’t stop until he’s hers. And deservingly so. I have never known someone with such dedication to the craft of celebrity obsession and I applaud her for it. Now, this comes from a time I was working on a little-watched reality show entitled Dad Camp, where young unmarried couples were dealing with bringing an unplanned baby into the world and adding to the stresses of their already unhealthy relationships, so my days were filled with a therapist berating the dads with the phrase, ‘you need to be a grown ass man for your baby,’ day in and day out and boy did it get into my head. So when this little typo occurred during a gchat with the future Mrs. Gosling, you can only imagine the fury inside of her when she thought he might have impregnated his Blue Valentine co-star…but to our delight it’s created yet another treasured expression to have and to hold, for richer for poorer till death do us part…even if only ones who use it are Susan and me.

7:26 PM
Me to Susan: have you seen this bway bway?
Susan: i know! i'm gonna watch this when i get home!!!
me: haha. erin h says they boned when they did this movie
Susan: wait. like boned for the movie, or boned the set.
me: well off set for the baby
Susan: huh? what baby.
me: hahahaha
i mean for the movie
hahahahahhaha fuckin dad camp, man
do you know how many times i've heard 'for the baby' in the last week?
Susan: STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
urgh. ok. time for me to get teh fuck outta this asshole joint.
bone off set for the baby is really funny.
ok. i'll talk to you later. have fun boning off set for the baby.
me: uh yeah
thanks! have fun boning out of the office for the baby

erin shea to Susan
show details 2/10/10
i'm in a corner bakery coma. but i'll be back soon. i'm cutting three simultaneous dad fights right now. it's so awesome to hear men scream in a room full a pregnant women.
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Susan Cho to me
show details 2/10/10
haha..Damn yo. What are they fighting about? boning off set for the baby?
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erin shea to Susan, MT, DK, AH
show details 3/23/10
haha! Sounds like Mercedes should take her kids on a field trip to the LA Marathon!
Susan, I won't get any credit on that show. I left in the very early stages of my first episode. I'm not even putting it on my resume. I don't ever want to be asked about it or have anyone know that I'm associated with that batty bitch in any way. But. I WILL bone off set for the baby.
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Susan to me, MT, AH, DK
show details 3/24/10
So, I know its really dumb, but you guys. Jesse James is in A LOT of trouble. I totally believe that that scumbag cheated on Sandra Bullock with all those hoe's (fo sho), and that’s dumb because Sandra Bullock is nice and pretty and doesn't have VD. AND, she can speak German, because her grandparents were Austrian immigrants.
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erin shea to Susan, MT, AH, DK
show details 3/24/10
Whatever. I've seen Sandra and Matthew McConaughey together and they DEFINITELY bone off set for the baby.
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Susan to me
show details 5/15/10
You guys were DEFINITELY boning off set for the baby.

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DK to Susan, me, AH, show details 5/18/10
Ya'll have pictures of B2B?  I want to see?  I want to see this Sissy character.
Damn, RG is fucking gorgeous.  Michelle is looking good, too.  Are they an item?
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Susan to DK me, AH, MT
show details 5/18/10
I'm pretty sure they were boning off set for the baby.
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Susan to me, Mercedes
show details 10/14/10
Also, erin. Did you hear that that movie you made with my boyfriend RG got an nc-17 rating! I thought you said there was NO boning off set for the baby!
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Susan to LP, RS, AH, DK, me, DT, MT, DH
show details 12/3/10
Ohmega bus you guys.
Thats Erin's doppelganger, Michelle Williams. Even though she and Ryan were boning off set for the baby, its ok. I'm gonna make out with him at midnight on NYE.
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Susan to LP, DK, me, RS, AH, MT, DT, DH
show details 12/10/10
Dang erin don't even pretend you don't know what the name of the movie where you were boning off set for the baby is.
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LP to Susan, RS, DT, MT, AH, me, DK, DH
show details Jan 10
Blue Valentine wasn't the Ryan Gosling porno/followup to Half Nelson I was hoping for. The King's Speech was bad too. It was just a really well acted boring ass movie. That and you shouldn't get super high before seeing a "drama" about a stutterer.
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Susan to RS, DT, LP, MT, AH, me, DK, DH
show details Jan 10
OH. And Ryan Gosling and Erin Michelle Williams, were DIFFERENTLY boning off set for the baby.
I mean...yeah...
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erin shea to MT, AH, DT, DK, DH, LP, Susan
show details Jun 24
also you guys i had to sleep at erin haglund's house last night and i'd gone to the rull intense yoga class last night and it was extra sweaty up in there so I was all grossed out about not having a newwwww pair of panties (PAIR A' PANTS!!!!!!!!! wait, have you guys seen that? from dad camp? boning off set for the baby? buttt it turned out that the pair of ass-covering panties erin h had just bought at the gap had an extra small thong all hidden up in them that she didn't even know she got for freeeeeee! so i'm sportin' these tiny ass things right now and it's like i'm walkin' on SUNshine!
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DK to AH, LP, me, Susan, MT,
show details Oct 6
You guys, I have it on good authority that Alia Shawkat (Maeby Fūnke) just went into this restaurant called Tipsy Parson which is right by where I work in Chelsea.  I think I need to go to there right now!
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erin shea to DT, AH, LP, Susan, MT, DT
show details Oct 6
DO IT! I saw her once at the Grove going to the movies with George Michael Bluth. I thought it was so cute that they hung out together boning off set for the baby
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Boning off set for the baby (v): 
A way to imply that some people are hooking up, you know, doing it. 

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