Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yeah, get THAT, six PACK!

Whelp tickets, it’s been awhile since the EFD has reared its ugly and somewhat confusing head, but some people have been busy this first of tha 2011 month being unemployed and loving it. But today, I’m back at work. So obviously that means taking some time out on the company dollar to enlighten the two of you who read this blog who aren’t already hip to this phrase through being on the daily email chain.

There are always a lot of things that happen in San Francisco. Especially when happy hour starts at Tortilla Heights (aka that place where they give you the voodoo mind eraser margaritas). One happy Friday a few years back when Danny Krueger lived in the Haight with a jelly donut, he introduced me to both voodoo margaritas and a miss Leslie Waggoner. Both had an effect on me such that I will remember forever…I mean, as much as I can remember from that night…

Two pitchers and not enough food later, our trio found ourselves prancing into the corner store to continue our downward spiral into drunkenness. We were at a loss as to what to get, until Danny held up a sixer of some sort of beer we apparently all like because all I could muster was this incredibly enthusiastic response: 

I still remember the look in Danny’s eyes. It was as though Borat had possessed me with the passion of Tennessee Williams and was using my body to transmit a message of approval to Danny regarding the beer. He asked why I’d said it that way, I didn’t have an answer. It’s just one of those things that happen sometimes, like when people who practice that one religion speak in tongues. So naturally the three of us started saying it and couldn’t stop, not even three drunken rounds of Guitar Hero later. Even when the granimal in Leslie came out and she decided to go for a last-call beverage up the street, leaving Danny and I barely coherent in the living room to half-heartedly strum ‘More Than A Feeling,’ before giving ourselves over to Arrested Development reruns, we encouraged her to get that last call six pack. And now it’s become one of those things we all say, in various ways, to show support for one another’s actions. Oh, and the honorable mention here goes to Amandageddon Huffman for being so concerned about the health and fitness of the Diverse Friendship Tribe. Thanks Amanda! 

Virginia Schmitt to yonex96, talkingtoliz, ladymissmerced., susancho78, amandah80, dkruegmeister, debra.hamilton, mltv02, me
show details 1/22/10
you guys, erin just gave a voice to all of my worst fears about outdoor festivals.  i'm not gonna lie, i'm nervous.  but i wanna get that music six pack, too.

i just watched the news coverage of a puppy getting rescued from the LA river, you guys.  it was deep. deeply emotional.

erin shea to Susan, Danny, Mercedes, Amanda
show details 3/30/10
AND you can tell them you were in a band, Severe Tire Damage. And how you can yo yo make a wicked cup of co-coa.

Get that six pack job, Susan!

Omega you guys. I just keep remembering Hot Tube Time Machine moments and there were so many good ones in there for us! It's totally how like in 'I Love You, Man,' they have Jason Segal saying 'stuuuupid' when he's watching Chocolat. Damn. That movie is funny.  But we should do that movie-watching road trip to somewhere isolated so we're forced to watch movies. And Danny, maybe we should all come with you on your cross-country trek and do that Boys on the Side road trip that's been so talked up.
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Mercedes Taylor to Susan, me, Danny, Amanda
show details 4/5/10
Ooh get that hot tube PACK.  Up in The Air was aight.  I mean for all those Oscar nods?  Really, guys?  But they did play that version of "This Land is My Land" that I really like at the beginning.
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Susan Cho to me, Danny, Amanda, Mercedes
show details 4/14/10
DANG you guys. I just got an email from that MoFo lady saying they're still doing first round interviews and will be deciding who to move forward with next week!
But, when she scheduled me she had me come in right away. So that either means: a) they saw a bunch of us 2 weeks ago and didnt' like any of us and are still tyring to decide or b) ...? I don't even know what.
3 fucking weeks to go through interviews though? The position isn't for the President of the United States..Its a fucking entry level business development position.
I'd better a) get that job pack and b) make a shit ton of money.
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Susan Cho to me, Danny, Mercedes, Amanda
show details 4/27/10
Yup. I'll play around with it tonight.

Now the real question is, should I bring home some work iwht me since I was totally fuckin' unmotivated today? Or should I just go home and watch the wire and the lovely bones?
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erin shea to Susan, Danny, Mercedes, Amanda
show details 4/27/10
duh. we all know the answer to THAT six pack.
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Mercedes Taylor to me, Susan, Amanda, Danny
show details 4/29/10
I meant don't break the news to her.  Get that burger and potato fries PACK!
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Peace out

erin shea to Mercedes, Danny, Susan, Amanda
show details 6/14/10
um you guys...i was just adding that girl ___'s number into my phone and realized I still have Kate Flannery's number from when I coordinated with her to pick up a copy of her Lampshades show DVD! I should call her and ask if I can have a job on The Office.
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Susan Cho to me, Mercedes, Danny, Amanda
show details 6/14/10
Damn. Erin, I always thought you had an irish ass name, but KATE FLANNERY!!!!
Isn't that the Meredith actor?
Get that fucking Office six pack, and then ask if they can hire me as your pa.
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Mercedes Taylor to me, Susan, Amanda, Danny
show details 6/15/10
OOOH.  Get that UCB Simpson 6 pack!
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Peace out

Danny Krueger to Susan, Amanda, me, Mercedes
show details 6/29/10
If she just lets everyone know her concern, I'm sure people will lend a hand.  They're hosting, and she's pregnant.  Some of us are chivalrous enough to scrape a damn grill and throw away some ashes.  I don't know. 

Yeah girl, get that hot Italian footlong six PACK!  That shit is good.

Man, now I'm hungry too.  Lunch time!
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Amanda Huffman to me, Danny, Susan, Mercedes
show details 7/22/10
No rap. Now they're playing "No Diggity." I love it. I don't even need pandora today!

Erin get that tooth six pack fixed! You don't want a root canal. I don't think I've ever lost a filling, but I have chipped a tooth. That cock was HUGE.
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Russ Sharkey to Mercedes, Debra, Danny, David, Amanda, Susan, me
show details 7/23/10
I'm about to have Jackie Thai.
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Amanda Huffman to Russ, Mercedes, Debra, Danny, David, Susan, me
show details 7/23/10
What's happening with yer insides? Are they pickled?

Get that epidural six pack!
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Amanda Huffman to me, susancho78, Danny, Mercedes
show details 8/19/10
Danny, get that insurance six pack. You never know when your appendix might explode or uterus will get an intruder. What if you need reconstructive ball surgery? I was on a COBRA plan before and it was $400/mo and I still had to pay $25 for prescriptions. I just looked at United and its $123/mo. I've been real happy with Unite. Isn't Dave technically still employed at Berkeley? Could you add on to his policy now?

Did anyone watch Futurama last week? It was ridiculously funny. Like one of the best episodes I've seen in a while. Dr. Zoidburg and the professor were cracking my shit up!

Happy thursday buddies day! Futurama and Jersey Shore bway bums!
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Russ Sharkey to Amanda, Danny, susancho78, Debra, David, Liz, me, Mercedes
show details 9/9/10
I just went to the gym during my lunch break and I'm now eating a bunch of lettuce with some black beans, corn, and some other shit that grows in the ground.  This is so that I can have another Mexican dinner and a bottle of wine after work.  I'm supposed to fuck around with some ex from years ago later, but the current sort of boyfriend now wants me to sleep over tonight AND Saturday, AND I'm supposed to go out with that waiter on Saturday.  I am working the single life six pack like never before and I better not get strep throat.  So I upgraded myself to first class on my flight from NY yesterday because I'm a fancy boy and the gayest flight attendant ever was handling first class so he gave me a a mimosa when I boarded, then followed it up with a pint glass of white wine that he kept refilling until about five hours into the flight which was when I told him that I was going to be his responsibility, to which he responded - basically to the entire cabin - that that was so hot he got a blister.  Some older lady flight attendant saw him pouring wine into my pint glass and was like, "oh, god!  That's wine!" and I rolled my eyes and continued watching Sex and the City 2.  SO BAD.  Then I started talking to the jewish girl next to me about Rosh Hoshanah.  Happy Jew new year, by the way!  Anyway, after getting drunk yesterday I ate a bunch of peanut butter and a burrito.  That's why I went to the gym.  The eating and drinking is out of CONTROL. 

That's my update, Liz.  My play by play.  You're welcome.

Amanda, are you now pregnant from the slip and slide and fuck Amanda from behind experience?
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Susan Cho to Danny, Amanda, yonex96, ladymissmerced., me
show details 9/16/09
Jaclyn AND Laurel? Erin. You have to get a trip made.
Sara was saying she's going to talk Emily Joffrion into having a New Years (Summers) Eve party, so I think Dan G. should do Halloween. Lindsays place is too small. Sara did not seem keen on having another party.
Yeah. Dan Gonzales..Or even Bendetta. OOH. Mercedes, lets get him to have one.
Yeah! Do that! Halloween Jaclyn, Laurel and Erin six pack! VEST LIFE EVER!!!!!!!!!

Danny to me, Susan, Mercedes, Liz, Russ, Amanda, David
show details 11/4/10
I don't know what an Ed Burns is, but I would go to that Home Alone six PACK! I'm so jealous!

Is Ed Burns Mr. Burns?

Sent by magic

Russ Sharkey to Danny, susancho78, me, Mercedes, Amanda, LizPfeffer, DavidTousley, Debra
show details 11/9/10

Susan, this made me literally spit goat cheese on my keyboard when I laughed:  "Also, every single person I've ever known who had parents who smoked around them turned out to be antismokers. Maybe he's doing it for his kids future"

I just finished work yoga and it was great!  There were only three of us doing it (plus the instructor who has a nice, warm touch to correct all of my jiggety poses with).  For some reason my stomach hurts now, tho.  I am eating the salad I made from scratch!  Maybe I can't eat salad anymore either.  Weight loss SCREAMS!!!!
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erin shea to Amanda, Danny, Russ, Mercedes, Susan, David, Liz
show details 11/16/10
oooo yeah get those job packs!
you guys, y'all need to get that six pack new girl talk album. he relies heavily on the Clueless soundtrack and some people are LIKIN' it!
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Leslie Waggoner to me
show details 11/30/10
11:42 PM
Leslie: YEAH
get THAT
six PACK

me: YEAH
Leslie is not available to chat

Susan Cho to me, Amanda, Mercedes, David, Liz, Debra, Danny, Russ
show details 12/1/10
Amanda. Get that SIX PACK!
Also, last Thursday, I made a big statement (Kim) and said I was seriously going to get a BLE tattoo.
Welp tickets. I was serious, and think I'm going to finally get a bluebird  with the BLE incorporated in.
For real..
Something like this. But smaller. And cuter.

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erin shea to Susan, Amanda, Mercedes, David, Liz, Debra, Danny, Russ
show details 12/1/10
UM. Susan. You need to have Krista design that six pack for you. She's fucking amazing with birds and BLE'ing.
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susancho78@gmail.com to Russ, Liz, me, David, Mercedes, Amanda, Danny, Debra
show details 12/7/10
DFT will never be defunct because we're all too busy living the best life ever with each other.
Get that six pack six pack Runcle! But I actually think you're pretty trim and muscular looking so pass some of that motivation my way. Riught now I am in Walgreens trying to figure out what to have for dinner.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

erin shea to Susan, Liz, Russ, Amanda, Danny, Mercedes, David, Debra
show details 12/10/10
i LIKE that. The 29th is that Booty Burglers show so we can get THAT six pack. They're a good ass time--they just sing songs about doing drugs, living the best life ever and people who look like shit when they do too much crank.

What's Blue Valentine and when's that?

you guys, let's just fast forward to our vest christmas new year's life ever, OKAY!?!
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Danny Krueger to me, Russ, David, Susan, debra, Liz, Mercedes, Amanda
show details 12/21/10

Erin.  I want you to get that job six PACK!  And Krista.

Surrriously, you could find a place to live easy.  Rent is surprisingly cheap out here, AND you could always stay with us while you look for a place, AND you could always stay with Dave's parents for FREE.  It's super close and cute.

ERIN!  I can't handle this roller coaster of emotion!  How fun would that be?  JUST DO IT!

Amanda Huffman to Susan, David, Mercedes, Liz, me, Danny, Russ, Debra
show details Jan 10
Susan, that sucks about your car and Erin's wallet. At least they matched the price!

David, get that got six pack. Beach Blanket Babylon is a good show. I'm not usually the musical type, but I liked BBB.

erin shea to David, Debra, Liz, Amanda, Susan, Danny, Mercedes, Russ
show details Jan 20 (4 days ago)
holy crap you guys. if you didn't see the last 15 minutes of bev hills housewives, you need to GET that six pack in your MOUTHS.
'this is bad. this is REALLY bad."
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So there it is. The next time you want to tell a friend or family member to go ahead and follow their dream, whatever it may be at any given moment, I offer you this new way of doing so. Go ahead, crack one open and GET that six pack in your MOUTH.

Yeah, get that! Six pack!
Words of encouragement, to be offered when someone should just really go for it! Also a way to agree with your friend that that’s the kind of beer he should buy.

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