Monday, March 28, 2011

ONG Get Ready!!

This one's dedicated to Mr. Danny Krueger, for, amongst the obvious reasons, the fact that, come April 7th, we'll be bashing around living our vest New York lives ever.

You know those mornings when the buzz of your phone wakes you up and it’s Saturday and you’re realllly not ready to be awake, let alone letting any sort of light source penetrate your eyes? And then you manage to peel your eyelids apart enough to expose the part of your eye that reads words and once you’ve recovered from being blinded by the li-ight, you see that your phone has buzzed because someone has texted you, and when you look to see who it is, it’s one of your friends, who should know that it’s wayyyyyy too early to be texting on a Saturday? Well. I know those mornings. I know them all too well.

One such morning, I was peacefully sleeping off one of the most random nights I can own up to in Los Angeles; needless to say it had ended with a trip to the Smogcutter for last-call karaoke. As my eyes adjusted, my nose became perfumed with the stench of stale beer and secondhand smoke. Delicious. As my stomach turned, I focused the name of the son of a bitch offender text sender—Danny Krueger. It read simply,

‘Ready for what?’

I was thoroughly confused. ‘What?’ I managed to type out.

‘Last night, you texted me, twice, ‘ong, ong get ready!’’

Well. Thanks a lot, Smogcutter. My best guess is that I sang one of our signature karaoke songs and fully planned on calling Danny mid-rendition, as we tend to do, but…forgot? Didn’t sing? Wasn’t referencing the karaoke at all? Hmm. Guess we’ll never know.

But that doesn’t mean it has been forgotten. Oh. Quite the opposite. At least when it comes to Danny and me: 

erin shea to Amanda, Susan, Danny, Mercedes
show details 4/16/10
omega you guys. DUMB. they just opened a zip line on catalina. even more incentive to go on our best open waters cruise life ever!!!
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erin shea to Amanda, Susan, Danny, Mercedes
show details 4/16/10
i mean vest. definitely vest.
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erin shea to Amanda, Susan, Danny, Mercedes
show details 4/16/10
also, i just thought about when i sent danny those two drunk texts that i didn't remember and the next day I had a text from him that said, 'get ready for what?' and when i asked what he was talking about, he said, "last night you sent me two texts that said 'ong get ready.'" DUMB!!!
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Danny Krueger to me, Amanda, Susan, Mercedes
show details 4/16/10
HA!  I forgot about ong!

You guys, that would be so fun to go to Catalina!  As soon as I get rich, we're going.

erin shea to Danny, susancho78, Amanda, Mercedes
show details 6/15/10
you guys.

o.n.g. get ready.

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Danny Krueger to Susan, me
show details 9/11/10
Fwd: Your hotel booking confirmation (Itinerary #15436696521)   
Ong, ong, get ready!
 We're going.  Susan, if you can't afford it, we'll totes help you out.  It's like 57 per person, total.  You must come, you juice head.
 Disney bottoms, get on top!!!

Danny Krueger to Liz, Amanda, Russ, me, to, Mercedes, Debra, David
show details 9/17/10
Um, if anyone is not working during the day, they need to call me so we can go drinking.  Seriously.  I'm bored over here.
Although now I'm off to spin class.
But basically I'm saying I'm available for going out ANY night.  Or any day.  I want to soak up my friends while I still can.
ERIN.  What's going on with you?  Ong, ong, get ready.
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Danny Krueger to Russ, susancho78, Amanda, me, Mercedes, David, Liz
show details 11/4/10
I know, the one thing I'm bummed about is that I let myself get low-balled.  Like, I should have said "That's not enough money" and held out for something else, but I guess I was just kind of desperate.  And it'll be over before I know it, and it'll be money in my pocket.  So I'm gonna keep my eye on that prize.  Maybe the temp agency is just testing me.  I want to be on their good list, so they'll keep searching for stuff for me.

The commute isn't awful.  I've been doing it practically every day since we got here.  It's just expensive.  But we'll definitely be living the Sex and the City lifestyle in our Upper East Side apartment before the end of the year, so my commute is about to get MUCH easier.  So that's good.

And I just applied for another real job this morning (afernoon here!) so hopefully SOMEONE will bite.  We'll see.

Oh, speaking of Sex and the City, I was walking through a subway station yesterday, and the Sex and the City theme shuffled up on the Dave and Danny-ilation album, and it totally made me smile.  You guys are the best.

My parents said it was 80 degrees in SLO yesterday!  Can you believe that shit?  East Coast is fucking crazy.  Ong, ong, get ready!

Time to memorize my lines for this puppet show.  It's...real cute.

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Now, the honorable mention this time around goes to Mercedes Taylor, who coined the audible expression by pronouncing ong as its own word rather than as an acronynm. So it sounds like Mike Hong's last name if the H was silent. So ong ong, get ready to start using another DFT phrase like it's your job. Go on. Do it. 

ONG Get Ready!
An anticipatory statement used to let errrrybody know it's time to get excited!!! Maybe ONG can stand for Oh Now Girrrrrrrl....GET READY. Yeah.